Thursday, August 26, 2010

Evening at Birch Bay

Wednesday evening, we all decided that we wanted to go swimming. So we packed a dinner and s'more makings and headed out to Birch Bay, only to realize that it was too cold at the beach to swim. =( We'll have to go again when it's hot! We all had a good time, anyway.

Pink flip-flops

Laura in her summer skirt.

Starting the fire


Roasting a marsh mellow over glowing coals

Phil, Jon, and Laura


Playing with the fire. =)


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Christmas Story

Well, here it is! This five-minute movie took HOURS to edit. We filmed over one hundred scenes, and didn't even use a third of them.=) But, here it is! I hope you all enjoy! (I just watched the movie again and realized that I misspelled the word "howl". Well, I can't change it now.=) Click the bottom right button of the movie to enlarge.

Dan'l Murphy


Saturday, August 21, 2010

More Pictures of the Murphy/Criss Production.

Working on different scenes
The script

A little more decorated up.=)

We filmed a whole scene without realizing that the lap top was in the picture. Oops!

Thomas and Virginia.=)

Gingerbread men!

I'm Thinking of a Rat Named Howard...

Today, I was thinking back to when I was little and slept downstairs with Matthew and Joe. As we went to bed, Daddy would play with us children "I'm thinking of a rat named Howard." We would describe an animal and the others had to guess what it was. Later, Daddy added "a kangaroo named Susan."=)

Do you have any special memories of growing up?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Christmas in August?

Today, while Mr. and Mrs. Murphy looked at different houses and property, we got to watch their children! The last time they were here, I promised them that we'd make a movie together. So, this time, we set about doing just that! It took us over an hour to come up with a plot. Then started making the "props" - Christmas decorations.

We wanted to make a sign that would cover the very-full-of-messages marker board, and remembered that all-purpose wedding isle runner.=)

We decided that we'd make the movie in black and white, so we didn't need to worry about the right colors.

Hannah tracing out gingerbread men.

Still coloring.

Hanging up the sign.

Merry Christmas.

We had to be authentic and couldn't use Elmer's glue. So I whipped up some flour and water paste.=)

Stringing gingerbread men.

Making a paper chain.

Stringing popcorn.

Hannah showing Matthew how to make the paper chain.

Rebekah string popcorn.

Getting ready for the first scene!

The Christmas Story coming soon!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Watching Rebecca, Samuel, and Meg Clarke

Rebecca Ann

Lydia Esther

Sam the man and Meggie Waggie

A fake smile.=)



"Don't eat the play dough, Meg!"

"Wee Wee"

"These are teeny balls."

Lunch time!

At the park going down the big, dark slide.

"My turn!"



Swinging on the tire swing
