Sunday, March 25, 2012

Happy 1st. Birthday, Graceable!

I love you, Smudgy, Oompa Loompa, Taz, Pun'kin! 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's Snowing like Crazy...

...and I thought it was spring! =)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It's a GIRL!!!

I now have three nieces!! Looking forward to finding out her name!! =)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Visit from the Booys!

Thank you so much, Booy family, for stopping by! It was tons of fun! =)

Friday, March 16, 2012

Baby-sitting, Painting, Watching Gracie...

The last couple days have been very full!

On Wednesday, Momma, Joe, Lydia, and I went to Lori's (Hainline) to watch her four children while she had a midwife appointment. We were there from around ten to five. We had a very good time - the children were very sweet! Lydia and Graciela played with dolls while listening to music, then Graciela and I tried to play tennis outside (she was the better player! =). When it was lunch time, the girls and I ate in their tree fort. Half way through our meal, it started raining, so we pulled out an umbrella and ate under that! =) That afternoon, we played with play dough, watched "Winnie the Poor" (my absolute favorite child's movie! =), read a book, had a pillow fight, and played with dinosaurs, then Lori came home.

Yesterday (Thursday), Momma drove Hensie and me to Sarah's house to paint, then she took Gracie back to our house, then drove Sar to her chiropractor appointment. When we first opened the can of paint, we realized that their wasn't enough to give the whole room a second coat, so we just painted what we could, then cleaned their house. Daddy picked us up around five forty-five. Sarah and Stephen we able to stay for dinner, which was lots of fun!

And, today, while Stephen and Sarah go to some appointment, we're watching Gracie! =)

Our latest "Gracie news" is - she can walk! Only a few steps at a time, then she gets so excited she falls over! =) It won't be long until she's running around! =)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It was a Great Weekend!

My highlights -

-Seeing Jon, Kelsie, Betty Jean, and Phil
-Being able to stay with the Weeses - thank you so much! 
-Seeing everyone at Family Night
-Talking in the trailer with Krista and Hannah McD. 
-Playing "Wally ball" at the YMCA - thank you Will and Phil! It was TONS of fun!

Can't wait to see a lot of you all at the Christian Heritage Conference! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Silent Blog...

...sorry about that. I've been busy with my new writing blog (if you'd like an invitation, comment and I'll send you one!)

Let's see...what we've been doing that last couple days -

-Volleyball. It's that time of year again! Yesterday, Hensie and I went online and watched some instructional movies on setting, serving, etc. and then worked on those things all afternoon.
-Reading. I'm still reading "Ike the Soldier". It's pretty interesting. I finished reading "Wagon Wheels to Oregon" (they talk about the Wasco Indians. =), and started reading "The Five Little Peppers".
-Watching Gracie. Two days this week, Sarah has come over/dropped Gracie off and we've gotten to watch her! She's a very busy child! She's standing on her own, crawls everywhere, likes to climb stairs and get into toilets, and loves to be tickled and thrown in the air by Auntie Sussy. =)
-Up-coming Trip to Lynden. We'll be leaving on Thursday and leaving Sunday afternoon. I'm looking forward to seeing you all up there! (And maybe playing a little volleyball, too! ;-)
-Painting. We painted our kitchen a couple weeks back (I still need to take the "after" pictures.) and we're going to be painting Sarah's room today.

And...any day now, Sarah could go into labor! When that happens, we'll go over there and watch Gracie for a couple days. I can't wait for this little niece or nephew! (Leave a comment and guess if it'll be a boy or girl. I'm guessing a boy. =)