Friday, March 16, 2012

Baby-sitting, Painting, Watching Gracie...

The last couple days have been very full!

On Wednesday, Momma, Joe, Lydia, and I went to Lori's (Hainline) to watch her four children while she had a midwife appointment. We were there from around ten to five. We had a very good time - the children were very sweet! Lydia and Graciela played with dolls while listening to music, then Graciela and I tried to play tennis outside (she was the better player! =). When it was lunch time, the girls and I ate in their tree fort. Half way through our meal, it started raining, so we pulled out an umbrella and ate under that! =) That afternoon, we played with play dough, watched "Winnie the Poor" (my absolute favorite child's movie! =), read a book, had a pillow fight, and played with dinosaurs, then Lori came home.

Yesterday (Thursday), Momma drove Hensie and me to Sarah's house to paint, then she took Gracie back to our house, then drove Sar to her chiropractor appointment. When we first opened the can of paint, we realized that their wasn't enough to give the whole room a second coat, so we just painted what we could, then cleaned their house. Daddy picked us up around five forty-five. Sarah and Stephen we able to stay for dinner, which was lots of fun!

And, today, while Stephen and Sarah go to some appointment, we're watching Gracie! =)

Our latest "Gracie news" is - she can walk! Only a few steps at a time, then she gets so excited she falls over! =) It won't be long until she's running around! =)


Krissy said...

Ah, painting. Brings back old memories! :-)

Wow, Grace is getting so big!

Susanna R. Langdon said...

Yep, it sure does! =)

She is! =)

Another surprise popped up - the Booys will be stopping by tonight and spending the night! =)