Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Cool Dessert on a Warm Evening...

When it's hot...

...It's time for shakes!

I got a little dramatic here.=)


Second Chance Finds

My books

Hensie's books

I just had to buy this.=)

Emily's Graduation Party

I'm late on posting this, but better late than never!
Hot dogs, hamburgers, dessert, fellowship, and games - a good party is bound to ensue.=)


Cowgirl photographer.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's time to watch a movie...

This is a normal scenario at our house come time to watch a movie.


Hannah- "I want to see a movie tonight."

Susanna - "Ok. That sounds like fun. What do you want to see?"

Hannah - "What movie stands out in your mind?"

S - "Hmmm... To Hell and Back."

H - "No, too dramatic for a week day. Big Trail sounds really fun."

S - "No, we always see that one."

H - "We've only seen it twice."

S - "Roy Rogers?"

A evil glare fires from Laura's eyes. (not because she doesn't like Roy Rogers. But because the four oldest have worn all the RR movies to a frazzle watching them so many times.)

H - "Young John Wayne?"

S - "Those are boring. And old John Wayne are too long."

L - "Well, you better pick one out quickly so we can get to bed at a decent hour."

H - "Uhhhh... well, we could watch Daniel Boone."

S - "We've seen all the ones we have."

Rebekah, coming in on the conversation - "Let's watch a dramatic war movie."

H - "Too long, and too dramatic for a week day. I still think we should watch Big Trail."

R - "No!"

S - "Why can't we watch a long war movie? Who cares what time we go to bed?"

H - "We can watch Buster Crabb."

S - "No! He's a lazy cowboy!"

H - "But he always comes when duty calls!"

S - "Let's watch something more substantial."

H - "That brings us back to the subject of Big Trail."

L - "Why don't we watch something girlie? Like Emma!"

S - "I'm not in the mood for that kind of movie."

R - "You always want to see that one. Let's watch a funny war movie."

H - "Something more serious, like Pendragon."

S - "We just saw that."

R - "Can we see Objective Burma or Desperate Journey?"

L - "Iron Will."

R - "We've seen that as many times as you've seen Roy Rogers."

L - "How about we see The Young Pioneers with the children?"

S - "We've seen it too many times."

H - "I still think we should watch Big Trail. Think about how dramatic it is! The wagons towering over the cliff, some crashing to the bottom. And remember the snow storm where he nearly gets killed. And they dance the Virginia Reel!"

"All right." The girls all sigh.

By now, it's 9:00.

L - "I have to check my email. Just a sec."

Ten minutes later.

L - "I have to check the blogs to make sure no one is being married or buried." Pause."Look! Ashley posted!"

S - "Come on Laura! It's all set up!"

L - "I have to read this first."

S - "Well, can I check my email when you're done?"

Twenty minutes later. 9:45. Everyone is in the room.

R - "I have to make some tea."

30 minutes later.

S - "I have to go to the bathroom now!"

5 minutes later.

H - "Can we put a fan in the window? It's so hot up here I'm going to die!"

R - "While you do that, I'll make you a chocolate shake."

30 minutes later. 10:50.

L -"Ok, is everyone here?"

S - "Laura. It's almost eleven. And tomorrow's church. I think we should go to bed. I'll go to the bathroom while we decide what to do."

Ten minutes later. All girls are in bed. No movie will be watched tonight.

Look How Much the Sunflowers Have Grown!

Flowers and Veggies

The hanging basket in the back yard.
The apple tree in the front.

I'm not sure what these are called. Aren't they pretty?

Purple Petunias

With the flag in the background.

Blue Hydrangeas

The barrel with parsley.
Lemon Balm!

Hannah and Lydia, smelling lemon balm.

Framed by the sunflowers.

The squash patch.

The broccoli finally decided to show!


Hannah and Lydia enjoying freshly picked peas!

Bright pink hydrangeas from the back yard.

Sunflowers! (They're about two feet taller now!)

Pink flowers from the front yard.

French Braiding

My first French braid!

I thought it'd be a good skill to learn how to make French braids. I've been practicing on Lydia, and today, I did one in my hair, which wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.


Learning to Cook - Day 4 - Tacos

Hannah already knew how to make this, so she threw it together Wednesday night. Kidney beans, taco shells, cheese, salsa, olives, and lettuce - one of our family's favorites!
Day five we went shopping and bought a pizza for dinner, and day six was Emily's graduation party. (But that's for another post!)

Learning to Cook - Day 3 - What'ch Got Soup

At 2 o'clock, Hannah and I thought we'd be a little more elaborate, and decided on spaghetti. But, although we had spaghetti sauce, noodles, and meat, we didn't have mushrooms, green peppers, or any other goodies that we usually stuff our sauce with. (oops... ended a sentence with a preposition.=) Then we thought we'd make creamy lentil soup, but we didn't have any lentils. Finally, we decided on chicken soup. We froze the chicken broth from the day before, so started to defrost that on the stove. We looked through the pantry, fridges, and freezers. We didn't have any potatoes or carrots, but we had some left over cooked rice from the Injun Pie.

What'cha got soup made with chicken broth, beef, corn, garbanzo beans, rice, green beans, chicken seasoning, salt, and pepper.
I made lemon muffins, with our favorite recipe, to go with the meal.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Cooking Chicken for Chef's Salad

Pastured poultry, carrots, onions, garlic, dill (from our garden), and parsley (also from our garden!). We saved the broth and made a what'cha-got soup on our third day of cooking. But that's for another post!=)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Learning to Cook - Day 2 - Chef's Salad

Chef's salad - lettuce, spinach (from our garden!), carrots, chicken (Jon's chicken!), celery, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and (not pictured) garbanzo beans, hard boiled eggs, crasins, cheese, and Italian dressing.

Garden Produce

These are old pictures, just waiting to be posted.

We've been getting a lot of peas! But, they never stay in the fridge long.=)

Our first tomato! Sorry, it's a little fuzzy. I found it on the ground the night we came back from our trip to S&S. I put it in the window sill and it's now completely red!

Learning to Cook - Day 1 - Injun Pie

Since Laura and Rebekah are gone for the week, Hannah and I are learning to cook. We planned to start on Monday, but Jon asked us girl's to make a casserole for Sunday's dinner. We looked though the fridges, freezers, and pantry, and came up with this.

Around the dinner table, we discussed what to name our new creation. The casserole contained rice, potatoes, carrots, and beef. Shepherd's pie is similar, but doesn't have any rice. At first, we thought we'd name it "cowboy casserole", but Jon pointed out the cowboys don't eat rice. The kicked out "country casserole", as well. Well, where is rice grown? China, Japan, India...India! People from India are called Indians, right? So, henceforth, "Injun Pie" is the name of our casserole. =)

Salad to go along with dinner. We had turnips, spinach, chives, and parsley from our garden! And an Italian dressing mix from Azure.

Monday's lunch. I was feeling a little dramatic.=)

Complete with candles, flowers, lemon water, and dinner and salad forks.