Sunday, July 11, 2010

Making Chocolate Chip Cookies For Phil


Krissy said...

Oh YUM! they look SO good!

The ones I make never turn out as good as yours. You will have to show me how you get the so round!

Hannah Criss said...

Mine don't always turn out like this. I made a batch today, and put in way too much flour. I was just making bread and saw that the bread recipe said "4 cups flour" so that's how much I put in - the cookie recipe was supposed to be 2 cups. Oh dear! Well, they still tasted good.=)


Krissy said...

hehe. I can make mistakes like that sometimes too!

We will have to have another cookie adventure sometime soon. After you get home...oh dear that will be such a long time. =(

Hannah Criss said...

Oh dear. Will you furnish the powdered sugar.=P


Krissy said...

Nice Susi. I don't think we should make Chocolate Crinkles, at least not with me and you! Unless we are more careful that is. :-D Maybe we should try a recipe that neither of us have tried! That would be an ADVENTURE! ;-D

Hannah Criss said...

Sarah has a recipe called "cowboy cookies"! We should make those! I haven't made them before, but they're really good! Kinda like chocolate chip cookies, but with cocoa and cocoanut.
