Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I don't know where to start!

This past weekend has been very full! I'll try to do a day-by-day journal of what's been happening.

Friday night Daddy, Stephen, and Ronald arrived.

Saturday morning, after breakfast, we packed all day long. At around four, we headed over to the museum to practice the song we planned to sing at the goodbye party that night (we packed our piano the week before.) After practicing several times, we headed back home, we started dinner and dessert. Then, back to the museum we went! The party was wonderful! Thank you so much, Mrs. Weese and Jon! It was great spending time with friends and saying goodbyes.

On Sunday, there were many tears shed at church! Afterwards, several families headed out to Birch Bay, where we had lunch, dinner, and s'mores. The girls and I headed out to the beach, threw rocks and Hannah M. and I even had a head-dunking contest without getting our clothes wet. (Well, at least that was objective. We weren't soaked, mind you, just a little damp.=D) Momma said that we were wading and our heads fell in the water.=D

Monday morning, Daddy, Momma, Hannah, Ronald, and I went to the Weeses to pick up a dryer, oven pick-up truck and trailer. When we got back, I called the McD. and VC families, saying that we were getting close to leaving. =( Jon and Kelsie and the Weeses came over and help us pack billions of boxes. Finally, when the trailer was packed, we said our last goodbyes. I have never cried that much in all my life. Lots of tears, and billions of hugs, "goodbyes", "I'll miss you's", and "I love you's" were passed around before Daddy, Matthew, Joe, and I climbed into the truck and headed out. It took a whole half an hour for me to get ahold of myself, then I stuck my nose in a book to forget the sad parting. The trip was pretty uneventful. We arrived at Sarah and Stephen's dead tired and headed straight for bed.

And, today, Tuesday, has been pretty slow, which is great! We've washed, folded, and ironed clothes, washed dishes, spent time on the computer and watched Gomer Pyle, Donald Duck, and Goofy movies on YouTube. (Hey, don't laugh! Donald Duck is cute! =P)

The last I heard from my family back home is that they are going to head down to Grandma and Grandpa's house tonight, spend the night, then head here tomorrow. Then, the cleaning and painting begins!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Love the double chin.=)

Gracie's favorite possition.

Got Salad?

(She doesn't look too happy.=)

Living During a Move

My dresser, bed, and books.

Our room, where Hannah, Laura, and I sleep on the floor. (Do you like the mess? =)

Hensie's bed nestled in the closet.=)

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Joys of Being a Flibbity-Ibbity-Jibbet Like Me

Before kissing most of my books goodbye, I left out three titles, thinking "I won't be able to read all three of these long, boring books before we get settled into our new house." I was reading at the time (Well, ahem, I still am reading it. Jane Fairfax would have finished it before now, right?=P) a book called "Stories from English History." It's not too bad. Fourth grade history book from 1901, I can handle that...right. I stopped reading it a little past the half way point when I found The Wall series at the library. Then, I got Anne of the Island, the third book in the Anne of Green Gables series. Then, I went second hand shopping and picked up two Louis L'Amour books and Anne Frank, the Diary of a Young Girl (FYI, I'm reading this book with a black pen in my hand.=) Then, Momma bought a book on William Tyndale that's really interesting. I'm now intensely engaged in three of those books, the second book in the Wall Series, Anne of the Island and Anne Frank. Then, I look over to a forgotten dust pile in the corner of my room and see that history book. Great. I need to finish that book before I keep on reading those other ones. My reading schedule is way out of whack. Oh well. Everything is supposed to turn upside down when one is moving, so why not my reading schedule?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hannah McD's Goodbye Party

Saturday morning, we finished the chicken butcher later then we planned, then ran home, got dressed, redid our hair (FYI, if you are going to a hair style competition, don't curl your hair in the morning, then spend four hours in the rain butchering chickens. You hair won't be quite so curly afterwards.=), then drove to the McDonald's house, about an hour late for the party.

When we first got there, we had a delicious lunch (thank you SOOO much McDonald family!!). We then played games, shared memories (and lots of tears), danced, played outside, and had lots of great fellowship. (Check Krista's blog - she has some great pictures there!)

Thank you so much Hannah, McDonald family, Krista, and whoever else helped with the party! You all did a great job - the party was wonderful!

Cute Picture of Gracie!

So squishy!! =) Great photo, Krissy!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Oh My Goodness...

Some people! =P I got this email from my grandma...

I handed the teller at my bank a withdrawal slip for $400.00. I said "May I have large bills, please" . She looked at me and said "I'm sorry sir, all the bills are the same size." When I got up off the floor I explained it to her....

When my husband and I arrived at an automobile dealership to pick up our car, we were told the keys had been locked in it. We went to the service department and found a mechanic working feverishly to unlock the driver side door. As I watched from the passenger side, I instinctively tried the door handle and discovered that it was unlocked. 'Hey,' I announced to the technician, 'it's open!' His reply: 'I know. I already got that side.' This was at the Ford dealership in Canton, MS

We had to have the garage door repaired. The Sears repairman told us that one of our problems was that we did not have a 'large' enough motor on the opener. I thought for a minute, and said that we had the largest one Sears made at that time, a 1/2 horsepower. He shook his head and said, 'Lady, you need a 1/4 horsepower.' I responded that 1/2 was larger than 1/4. He said, 'NO, it's not..' Four is larger than two.' We haven't used Sears repair since.

My daughter and I went through the McDonald's take-out window and I gave the clerk a $5 bill. Our total was $4.25, so I also handed her a quarter. She said, 'you gave me too much money.' I said, 'Yes I know, but this way you can just give me a dollar bill back. She sighed and went to get the manager, who asked me to repeat my request. I did so, and he handed me back the quarter, and said 'We're sorry but we could not do that kind of thing.' The clerk then proceeded to give me back $1 and 75 cents in change. Do not confuse the clerks at McD's.

I live in a semi rural area. We recently had a new neighbor call the local township administrative office to request the removal of the DEER CROSSING sign on our road. The reason: 'Too many deer are being hit by cars out here! I don't think this is a good place for them to be crossing anymore.' From Kingman , KS

I work with an individual who plugged her power strip back into itself and for the sake of her life, couldn't understand why her system would not turn on. A deputy with the Dallas County Sheriffs office, no less.

I guess we all have our moments...=P

Friday, May 20, 2011

It's Going to Be A Busy Day Tomorrow

-Wake up REALLY early and do our hair up fancy =)
-Chicken Processing starting at 7 a.m.

-Grandma and Grandpa come

-Hannah M's goodbye party for us 11 a.m.

-Guys load U-Haul truck

-Realtor comes

-Rapture at 6 p.m. =D

Thursday, May 19, 2011

She's Just Too Cute!!

Sorry, I just had to post this picture.=) Isn't she a doll? I can't wait to see her tomorrow!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Birthday Photo Shoot

16 years old today!

I love this picture.=)

Posing on her dream truck.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Sixteenth Birthday, Dear Friend!!

Kindred Spirit

Monday, May 16, 2011

More Moving Pictures

Lydia and Joe, our two hard workers, posing for a picture before unloading the heavy dolly.

Furniture stacked up to make more room for the stuff brought down from upstairs.

The pile gets bigger.

One thing we have to watch out for is avalanches. Last Sunday, while Jon and Kelsie were having lunch with us, a very tall stack of boxes marked "HEAVY!" came crashing down on top two lamps, smashing both. It was good thing no one was near when it fell!

A Cute Picture of Peter

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy 50th Birthday, Momma!!

The Wall Series by Robert Elmer

In my previous post, I mentioned getting these books at the library. I read the first book in two hours last night, then started the second, and finished it this morning. I'm half way through the third now.
It's after WWII and east Germany has been taken over by the Russians. Thirteen-year-old Erich is trying to find food for his mother and Oma. His search leads him to a mystery his father left, a strange Christian American reporter soldier, dropping candy "bombs", and hair-raising escapes.
(Okay, the cover, as well as the title, make this book look weird, but don't judge a book by it's cover!=) Amazon description - Berlin, August 1961. Sabine lives in a cramped apartment with her grandmother, mother, and older half-brother, Erich, in East Berlin where neighbors spy on each other, books are forbidden, and sometimes people disappear in the middle of the night...to the west. When Sabine discovers a forgotten underground bunker, she first uses it to escape her crowded home. After the Soviets build a barrier through the middle of Berlin, Sabine thinks of a new use for the Bunker. Could it take her family under the Wall to freedom? Or are their lives in more danger than ever?

Amazon Description - Berlin, spring 1989. Life is good in West Germany, and even the Cold War seems to be thawing in the warmer weather. As Liesl works on a class project about the history of the wall, she stumbles onto a startling secret no one will talk about. Will she ever learn the whole story? FYI There's one part in this book where the boy is disrespectful to his father.

I've Packed All my Books!

And I have nothing to read! So, what do I do? Run to the library and grab as many books as I can. =) I have four books in the Anne of Green Gables series, books 1, 2, 4, 5, so I put the third one on hold. While we were scanning the shelves, I saw the Wall Series by Robert Elmer. My sister has the first book, so I grabbed the rest of the set. (There are three books in the set.) I also picked up a book by Jim Kjelgaard.

So now, instead of just having two of my own books to read, I have five, plus two books of Momma's. I guess I'm not short on books.=)

Packing with Krista!

Sorry, blogger went bizerk, so I just have the pictures, no words. =)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

If You've Ever Wondered What It's Like to Live While Trying to Move...

...I'll tell you! There are billions upon billions of boxes. Some are packed and stacked near to the ceiling and others that still haven't been used are piled everywhere, making the house carpeted by cardboard. There are empty tape spool lying every where, but no tape left. The three pairs of scissors are buried beneath the piles and the one and only permanent marker is missing. When you are sitting in the living room and someone knocks on the door, it takes about three minutes to climb through the boxes to get to the door. The worst is the phone. You're upstairs and hear the phone ring. You think "someone down there will get it. It'll take me too long to climb through this jungle of stuff." But, everyone else is thinking the same thing. Another thing is the food. Everyone is too busy packing away and we realize at about three o'clock that we haven't had lunch yet.

But, all in all, I love this new adventure! One great thing about this is, lots of friends get to come over and help pack! ;-)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Moving Really Becomes a Reality When...

...You start packing the boxes.

Momma thought of this method of keeping track of all the millions of boxes. Each room has a hundred numbers (e.g. living room - 1; dining room - 100). Hannah's and my room's number was 1,100. This picture is the first packed box! Yay! =)

Going through old school tablets.

We packed fourteen boxes in our room before running out of tape.=) We've packed our books, hope chests, and several other misc. boxes. (Each box clearly says what's in it. That would be disastrous if three hundred boxes were marked "Misc."=P)

Highlights of the Conference

-(Susi) Driving about five hours from Portland with Daddy and my sister Faithie!
-(Hannah) Driving up from Lynden early Thursday morning with my family anticipating the conference
-Staying at Grandma's house
-Having late night girlie talks while ironing clothes for the next day
-Helping stuff packets, fold place cards, and being a messenger girl on Thursday
-Holding Gracie
-(Hannah) Having food brought to me during busy moments
-Explaining and handing out "conference welcome packets" on Thursday
-Talking as fast as I could explaining welcome packets Friday morning
-Being able to work with vendor hall and pre-registration
-Learning about POPs (Parents of Preschoolers) and welcome packets (both of which were new this year)
-(Hannah) Learning to use the credit card machine
-Being able to answer people's questions
-Being offered coffee, tea, and water by the "hostesses"
-Working with several very sweet and fun girls all weekend
-Meeting and getting to know several girls
-The choral practices and performance!
-(Susi) Going out to eat pizza with the Van Cleves Friday night (thank you so much!!)
-(Susi) Being allowed to see Family night when I was on duty =)
-(Hannah) Being able to see half of Family Night
-Buying the Family night and Choral Performance DVDs
-Going through the Vendor Hall
-Getting a free book from one of the vendors!
-Delicious food! =)
-Being able to go to some of the messages
-Great messages from Kevin Swanson, Jeff, Anna Sofia, and Elizabeth Botkin!
-Getting all of the messages on CD free so we can enjoy them forever!
-(Hannah) being able to sit in the balcony during Family Night and the last General Session
-The appreciation banquet and message by Jeff Botkin
-Singing, playing the piano, and dancing with my sister and a couple other friends Saturday night

Home Sweet Home!!

I'm home after three weeks of being away. When I first came in the door, I had to run through my house. I had to play my piano. This morning, I got to unload my dishwasher and put my dishes away in my cupboards in my kitchen.

Today, after we get unpacked, we're going to start packing up the girls' room upstairs. Pack books, pictures, decorations, clothes, almost everything. This is a new experience for me being the very first move I've ever been apart of!