Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Living During a Move

My dresser, bed, and books.

Our room, where Hannah, Laura, and I sleep on the floor. (Do you like the mess? =)

Hensie's bed nestled in the closet.=)


Krissy said...

Hannah's bed looks comfortable!

(Love the messy room! =)

bentogirl said...

Wow, that looks like an adventure in it's self! :P And I like Hensie's bed!! :)

Katlin Nicole said...

Zanna are you really reading all sixteen of those books on your "bookshelf" at the same time? I thought that I had a lot started right now. :)Just a note on the messy room: mine looked exactly the same way when we moved. Blanket-on-the-floor-bed, fancy dresser, and all. Well, maybe my bookshelf was a little smaller--but not much.

Hannah Criss said...

Kate, I've read four of the books - they're waiting to be returned to their owners. I'm reading four of them right now, and then there's my Bible and three journals. The other four books are the ones I haven't read yet.=D
