Tuesday, May 10, 2011

If You've Ever Wondered What It's Like to Live While Trying to Move...

...I'll tell you! There are billions upon billions of boxes. Some are packed and stacked near to the ceiling and others that still haven't been used are piled everywhere, making the house carpeted by cardboard. There are empty tape spool lying every where, but no tape left. The three pairs of scissors are buried beneath the piles and the one and only permanent marker is missing. When you are sitting in the living room and someone knocks on the door, it takes about three minutes to climb through the boxes to get to the door. The worst is the phone. You're upstairs and hear the phone ring. You think "someone down there will get it. It'll take me too long to climb through this jungle of stuff." But, everyone else is thinking the same thing. Another thing is the food. Everyone is too busy packing away and we realize at about three o'clock that we haven't had lunch yet.

But, all in all, I love this new adventure! One great thing about this is, lots of friends get to come over and help pack! ;-)


Krissy said...

It's an adventure that you'll never forget! <3

bentogirl said...

I'm glad you're having fun! :)

Sarah said...

Fun post Ruby! SO true!

Kris said...

It's a sad sight, but shows that you are beginning a fun and new adventure!