Monday, May 23, 2011

The Joys of Being a Flibbity-Ibbity-Jibbet Like Me

Before kissing most of my books goodbye, I left out three titles, thinking "I won't be able to read all three of these long, boring books before we get settled into our new house." I was reading at the time (Well, ahem, I still am reading it. Jane Fairfax would have finished it before now, right?=P) a book called "Stories from English History." It's not too bad. Fourth grade history book from 1901, I can handle that...right. I stopped reading it a little past the half way point when I found The Wall series at the library. Then, I got Anne of the Island, the third book in the Anne of Green Gables series. Then, I went second hand shopping and picked up two Louis L'Amour books and Anne Frank, the Diary of a Young Girl (FYI, I'm reading this book with a black pen in my hand.=) Then, Momma bought a book on William Tyndale that's really interesting. I'm now intensely engaged in three of those books, the second book in the Wall Series, Anne of the Island and Anne Frank. Then, I look over to a forgotten dust pile in the corner of my room and see that history book. Great. I need to finish that book before I keep on reading those other ones. My reading schedule is way out of whack. Oh well. Everything is supposed to turn upside down when one is moving, so why not my reading schedule?


Hannah Criss said...

Naughty! I'm half-way through my reading list of one hundred and one titles. :-)


Krissy said...

Wow! I have nothing whatsoever to read until my books get here...ah, I can't wait!!

Hannah Criss said...

Sorry that I have been keeping the Wall series at my house. =) Have you read all Will's Louis L'Amour books? What about the Roy Rogers and Dale Evans book? I'm sure there's at least one book on your parent's, or Will's, shelf that you haven't read.=) (I'd let you borrow my books, but we're leaving next Tuesday.)


Kris said...

Well, no I haven't read the Roy Rogers and Dale Evans one yet. Yep, I've read all of his Louis Lamour books. (Mine should be coming in the mail soon. Hopefully today!)

Are you really leaving Tuesday??? :'( This Summer sure will be different without your family. =(


Hannah Criss said...

Yes, Tuesday's the day. =(
