Friday, May 13, 2011

I've Packed All my Books!

And I have nothing to read! So, what do I do? Run to the library and grab as many books as I can. =) I have four books in the Anne of Green Gables series, books 1, 2, 4, 5, so I put the third one on hold. While we were scanning the shelves, I saw the Wall Series by Robert Elmer. My sister has the first book, so I grabbed the rest of the set. (There are three books in the set.) I also picked up a book by Jim Kjelgaard.

So now, instead of just having two of my own books to read, I have five, plus two books of Momma's. I guess I'm not short on books.=)


Krissy said...

The library sure comes in handy for that sort of thing! Especially when you want to preview a book that you aren't sure about. I'll have to check out those Robert Elmer's.


bentogirl said...

haha I guess you're not out of books!! :) :P