Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I don't know where to start!

This past weekend has been very full! I'll try to do a day-by-day journal of what's been happening.

Friday night Daddy, Stephen, and Ronald arrived.

Saturday morning, after breakfast, we packed all day long. At around four, we headed over to the museum to practice the song we planned to sing at the goodbye party that night (we packed our piano the week before.) After practicing several times, we headed back home, we started dinner and dessert. Then, back to the museum we went! The party was wonderful! Thank you so much, Mrs. Weese and Jon! It was great spending time with friends and saying goodbyes.

On Sunday, there were many tears shed at church! Afterwards, several families headed out to Birch Bay, where we had lunch, dinner, and s'mores. The girls and I headed out to the beach, threw rocks and Hannah M. and I even had a head-dunking contest without getting our clothes wet. (Well, at least that was objective. We weren't soaked, mind you, just a little damp.=D) Momma said that we were wading and our heads fell in the water.=D

Monday morning, Daddy, Momma, Hannah, Ronald, and I went to the Weeses to pick up a dryer, oven pick-up truck and trailer. When we got back, I called the McD. and VC families, saying that we were getting close to leaving. =( Jon and Kelsie and the Weeses came over and help us pack billions of boxes. Finally, when the trailer was packed, we said our last goodbyes. I have never cried that much in all my life. Lots of tears, and billions of hugs, "goodbyes", "I'll miss you's", and "I love you's" were passed around before Daddy, Matthew, Joe, and I climbed into the truck and headed out. It took a whole half an hour for me to get ahold of myself, then I stuck my nose in a book to forget the sad parting. The trip was pretty uneventful. We arrived at Sarah and Stephen's dead tired and headed straight for bed.

And, today, Tuesday, has been pretty slow, which is great! We've washed, folded, and ironed clothes, washed dishes, spent time on the computer and watched Gomer Pyle, Donald Duck, and Goofy movies on YouTube. (Hey, don't laugh! Donald Duck is cute! =P)

The last I heard from my family back home is that they are going to head down to Grandma and Grandpa's house tonight, spend the night, then head here tomorrow. Then, the cleaning and painting begins!


Sarah said...

So sad to leave behind friends, the home that we grew up in and the cute little town of Lynden that is full of precious memories, and dear people!

Katlin Nicole said...

Thank you for the update Zanna! Slow days are fun aren't they? I was thinking "Oh, no they're really gone! I didn't get a chance to say good-by" and then I remembered that we usually only communicate online anyway. So it isn't too bad that I missed seeing you before you left now is it? Still, knowing that you were in Lynden was much nicer than knowing that you are in Oregon. You were closer even if I didn't get to see you. Are you going to post before and after pictures of your paint job?

~Miss run-on sentence

Hannah Criss said...

Kate, you're welcome! Yes, they are fun! It was too bad that we didn't get a chance to say goodbye, but we'll visit a lot! Yes, I'll try to post lots of pictures, although I can't promise they'll be good.=)

Miss Run-on Sentence indeed.=D


Kris said...

The last few days were lots of fun!

I'm glad that your Dad now has a job and it will be fun for you on this new adventure, moving in and making new friends.

I hope we can still see each other often at Christian Heritage gatherings and many visits throughout the year!

I love you lots and miss you guys tons already! <3 :'(

Hugs, Love, Blessings and Prayers,
Krissy Joy (Purple Bumblebee. ;)