Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year's Eve!

A lot has happened this past year!

-Gracie was born
-Daddy got the job at Azure
-Our move
-The summer working on the house
-Hunca Munca and Sin'kin joined the family
-Betty was born

...a few of the big highlights of 2011! What were some of yours?

Monday, December 26, 2011

'Twas the day after Christmas and all through the house...

...not a floor was uncovered - no place to slouch!

Time to get to work cleaning up! Hope all your Christmasses were merry!

Friday, December 23, 2011


...after cooking and packing, we are going to head to Grandpa and Grandma Scoville's for our second Christmas this year. We'll spend the night, and have the party Christmas Eve. We're disappointed the Sarah and Stephen and Gracie can't make it, but are looking forward to seeing Jon, Kelsie, Betty, and Phil. We'll come home that night and then it will be...Christmas!! =)

Are you all ready for it? =) Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011

Our First Christmas This Year

I'll start from the beginning. =) On Thursday, Momma, Sarah, Laura, Matthew, Lydia, Gracie, and I headed up to Lynden so we girls could go to the chiropractor. We got to the Lynden house at two-thirty a.m. Friday morning and headed straight for bed. The next morning, we slept in late, then rushed around, trying to get ready for our appointment at ten. After the appointment, we came home, laid down for a while, then went to Second Chance...and bumped into the Van Cleves! It was so good to see them again! The next day, we cleaned up the house while Momma and Matthew did gardening outside.

When we finally pulled away from the curb, it was mid afternoon. We stopped at Little Caesars for lunch, then drove the Bothell for the extended Criss family Christmas.  We got there as they were finishing up dinner. After eating, they cleared away the tables, and opening gifts began! Each of the children fifteen and younger got a "stocking" (stockings got too it's gift bags.) Then, the older ones had a white elephant gift exchange. I ended up with a pretty tea cup, chocolate hazelnut tea, and a devotional. We visited for a couple hours, then packed up the stuffed van. Since Daddy, Hannah, Rebekah, and Joe had come later in Stephen's car, we hadn't noticed that  the van had only eight seats (two missing benches), so I ended up riding in Sarah and Stephen's car. We went as far as Grandma and Grandpa's house in Lacy where we spent the night.

The next morning, after a delicious breakfast and visiting, S&S&G and I headed back home. We made a couple stops, then arrived at our house a few minutes before the rest of my family. When they got here, we unloaded the van, unpacked ice chests, and made Daddy's lunch, then headed to bed.

Let's birthday party (Bekah's, celebrated on Tuesday instead of on her birthday), two actual birthdays, and the Criss Christmas; this week - celebrate Daddy's birthday (tonight), my birthday (Wednesday), Pastor and Mrs. Keeny come for lunch (Thursday), leave for Grandma and and Grandpa Scoville's house (Friday), the extended Scoville Christmas (Saturday), and our Christmas (Sunday) with the possibility of Phil coming sometime this week. Phew! We're going to be busy!

A Little Belated...

Happy birthday, Daddy!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things

The towel drawer packed with fresh, clean towels and washrags, giving you a choice between the nasty polyester fiber ones (hair towels) and cotton.

Trees covered with frost (snow is even better, though) and when the mercury in the thermometer shrinks down to the 20s.

My birthday in 10 days!!  And Christmas in 14 days!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

An Email From Grandma Criss on December 7th

Strange how you younger ones are only reading about Pearl Harbor in your history books, yet Grandpa and I lived during that event.  I must confess that, being a young country girl without hearing much news via radio (none by tv at that time), I was far from knowing what actually was going on politically, esp. overseas.  P.H. bombing happened on a Sunday morning and I remember going to school (9th grade in Houston) Monday morning and the teachers were talking about the possibility of our country going to war.  There were lots of questions in my mind (and others) as to what that would mean, who would fight, etc.  The principal called an all-school assembly and as we sat in the gymnasium, we listened to President Roosevelt’s speech, and that war would be declared.  There was a sadness over all the school, mostly because we had no idea what this meant, and how it would affect us.  As you know, everyone was very patriotic in those days, lots of the high school boys were enlisting in the service, as well as our football coach.  Most of our after-school and evening activities were cancelled (or limited) as busses couldn’t run these extra trips (gas shortage, later rationing).  Throughout the war, the pins, banners, and slogans read, “REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR.”  That’s just history now; back then, it was reality!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 7th...70 Years Ago

...the Imperial Japanese Navy launched a surprise attack against the United States naval base on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

188 U.S. aircraft were destroyed, 2,402 Americans were killed and 1,282 wounded.
Every year, a tradition started years ago by the four oldest in our family, we older ones have seen "Tora! Tora! Tora!" in memory of this historic attack. This year will be my second time seeing this movie.
"Tora! Tora! Tora!" (the Japanese code for "the attack is on" [or something to that affect. ;-P]) is a thoroughly dramatic account of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Unlike a lot of '40s war movies, the Japanese are portrayed as smart, good-looking, and civilized. I love how they actually speak Japanese, making it more historical. I can't remember it too well since it's been a year since I've last seen it. =) (fyi, there is a scene where the Japanese are worshiping their gods which we fast forward.)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Just Watched...

...a Super dramatic documentary on the life of Eric Liddel. He was an amazing man - a life totally submitted to Christ, humble, loved life, and gave his life serving the Lord in China.  I now want to learn a lot more about him!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The First Day of December!

 December is our busiest month! 
"Pearl Harbor Day" - December 7th. Time to blow the dust of "Tora Tora Tora"! 

Rebekah's 19th birthday - December 15th; Daddy's birthday - December 17th; and my 17th  birthday - December 21st (that sounds old! =P.) 
Christmas with the extended Criss family December 17th, Christmas with the extended Scoville family Decemeber 24th, and then our first Christmas in Wasco with (hopefully!) Jon, Kelsie, Betty, Phil, Stephen, Sarah, and Gracie! 
 New Year! 

Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House by Cheryl Mendelson

FINISHED!!! Yesterday, after about three months of reading, I completed this everything-you-need-to-know-about-house-keeping packed book! I have learned a lot and am very glad I took the time to read this thick book! (I won't write up a review about this book, since I've already posted that here.)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Shopping

A sneek peek of Christmas gifts ;-)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lydia in the Snow

Cat Scratching Post

 The cats are infamous for scratching up the furniture, so Hensie and Matthew constructed this cat scratching post. The cats use it...just as much as they use the couches. =/ 

One of the few times Sin'kin and Hunks have been on this thing together without fighting. =) 

Friday, November 25, 2011

1 Month 'Till Christmas!!

...and Gracie is 8 months old today! =)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

The New Answers Book 1 by Ken Ham

....Finished!! This is an amazing book - packed full of Biblical answers concerning evolution, creation and (almost) everything between. (If you want to get EVERYTHING in between, you'll need to buy the second and third books as well. ;-) Some on the questions this book answers are-

-Is there really a God?
-Why shouldn't Christians accept millions of years?
-Cain's Wife- who was she?
-What really happened to the dinosaurs?
-Why does God's creation include death and suffering?
-And much more!!

I really enjoyed this book and learned a lot! I can't wait to read the next one - The New Answers Book 2! =)

Friday, November 18, 2011

It was a BIG shopping day!! =)

We shopped 'till we dropped! =) We left around eleven with Sarah and Gracie, stopped at a store in The Dalles, then went to Portland and shopped at J.C. Pennys, Cost Co, and WalMart. We got back aroudn three-thirty a.m., then stayed up a couple more hours to made a big soup for the Azure workers. It was a long day! =)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Shopping Trip!

Today, we're all going to drive to Portland with Sarah and Gracie and do our Thanksgiving, birthday, and Christmas shopping (since the nearest Cost Co and Walmart are an hour and a half away.) There will have to be a lot of sneaking and hiding gifts. =) So much fun!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Having Too Much Fun...

First tiny braid.

Two aunties had too much fun with the little chunk. (The hairstyle didn't stay in her hair very long. =)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veteran's Day!


Since we now live in Oregon, we need to know a little more about out home state. =)

Nickname - the Beaver State
State Flower - Oregon Grape
State Fish - Chinook Salmon
State bird - Western Meadowlark
State Tree - Douglas Fur

Motto - Alis volat Propriis (She Flies with her Own Wings)
Oregon, My Oregon

Land of the empire builders, land of the golden west;
Conquered and held by free men, fairest and the best;
On-ward, upward ever, forward and on and on;
Hail to thee, land of the heroes, my Oregon.

Land of rose and sunshine, land of summer breeze;
Laden with health and vigor, fresh from the western seas.
Blest by the blood of martyrs, land of the setting sun;
Hail to thee, land of promise, my Oregon

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Black Trap

There is a black box that sits innocently on a desk in Momma and Daddy's room. When I pass by, this trap waves its bait. "There are unopened emails in your inbox!" I sniff at the bait. It smells good. I stick my hand in the trap. I type the pass word, open Google Chrome, open my email and type my email and password. "I'll just check my email. I won't reply to any emails, I won't check Buzz, I'll check read the emails, then get off." I think. My email opens up and there are four deliciously bold, white emails. I click on the first. "Ah, a survey! I love surveys!" I read through it and several more like it since several of my friends have filled it out. Then, I fill it out. Next, Krista wrote me a long email, so I write an equally long one back. And I read the other emails and reply to them. And I check Buzz, then all the blogs, and post on my own. And, by that time, it's been two hours!!! It's then that I jump off and vow never to spend that much time stuck in that trap again! But, it happens the next day, and the next.

In fact it's happening to me RIGHT NOW!!! I NEED TO GET OFF THIS TRAP!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House by Cheryl Mendelson

I've been having fun trying out different tips and ideas from "Home Comforts". It's a hard book to read through, but I'm so glad that I am taking the time to do so! I'm now about 2/3 of the way through. I've learned a lot about food, food safety, cleaning the kitchen/washing dishes, cloth, how to launder practically everything, stains and how to remove them, cleanliness, how to dust, vacuum, sweep, mop, clean anything, and so much more! This is a GREAT book for all homemakers!

Here are a couple ideas I've tried -

I mopped the kitchen floor on my hands and knees. The pros - the floor gets way cleaner and it's great exercise! The cons - "homemaker's knee" and it takes a bit longer than mopping with a mop. It's not something that I'll want to do every day of even every week. Just when the floors are really dirty. =)

To get rid of mineral build-up around faucets - wrap a rag soaked in vinegar around the faucet handles and let sit for about an hour. It worked moderately well, taking care of two smaller stains, but not the stubborn one. =/

I've also improved my sweeping and mopping, washing dishes, and how I handle chemicals like ammonia and bleach, changed my views about vinegar and soda, and I've got some great ideas about how to launder, what soaps and chemicals, etc.

Although the book looks daunting, being about three inches thick, it's definitely worth your time! It is a great reference book, too. Every homemaker should own one! (Thank you so much for giving it to me, Weese family!!)


Friday, November 4, 2011

Eating while Working on the House

In the midst of paint, putty, caulk, etc., Laura and Bekah cooked baked sweet potatoes and we sat around the pan, eating like Indians. Bittersweet memories. =)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Lennon Sisters

Growing up, Rebekah, Susanna, and I loved watching and pretending we were the Lennon sisters.
These are a couple of our favorites... enjoy!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Cats

Hensie and Susi

It's windy outside!! 

Snow is Predicted...

....tonight!!! Winter comes a earlier than Lynden, it looks like!!

A few old snow pictures -

Matthew about to go down the hill

Making a snowman