Monday, December 19, 2011

Our First Christmas This Year

I'll start from the beginning. =) On Thursday, Momma, Sarah, Laura, Matthew, Lydia, Gracie, and I headed up to Lynden so we girls could go to the chiropractor. We got to the Lynden house at two-thirty a.m. Friday morning and headed straight for bed. The next morning, we slept in late, then rushed around, trying to get ready for our appointment at ten. After the appointment, we came home, laid down for a while, then went to Second Chance...and bumped into the Van Cleves! It was so good to see them again! The next day, we cleaned up the house while Momma and Matthew did gardening outside.

When we finally pulled away from the curb, it was mid afternoon. We stopped at Little Caesars for lunch, then drove the Bothell for the extended Criss family Christmas.  We got there as they were finishing up dinner. After eating, they cleared away the tables, and opening gifts began! Each of the children fifteen and younger got a "stocking" (stockings got too it's gift bags.) Then, the older ones had a white elephant gift exchange. I ended up with a pretty tea cup, chocolate hazelnut tea, and a devotional. We visited for a couple hours, then packed up the stuffed van. Since Daddy, Hannah, Rebekah, and Joe had come later in Stephen's car, we hadn't noticed that  the van had only eight seats (two missing benches), so I ended up riding in Sarah and Stephen's car. We went as far as Grandma and Grandpa's house in Lacy where we spent the night.

The next morning, after a delicious breakfast and visiting, S&S&G and I headed back home. We made a couple stops, then arrived at our house a few minutes before the rest of my family. When they got here, we unloaded the van, unpacked ice chests, and made Daddy's lunch, then headed to bed.

Let's birthday party (Bekah's, celebrated on Tuesday instead of on her birthday), two actual birthdays, and the Criss Christmas; this week - celebrate Daddy's birthday (tonight), my birthday (Wednesday), Pastor and Mrs. Keeny come for lunch (Thursday), leave for Grandma and and Grandpa Scoville's house (Friday), the extended Scoville Christmas (Saturday), and our Christmas (Sunday) with the possibility of Phil coming sometime this week. Phew! We're going to be busy!


Kris said...

You are going to be very busy this week! We are going to have Roy and Melissa over Christmas Eve for breakfast. We'll see how my cooking "skills" turn out! =P

Hannah Criss said...

Yes, we are very busy! =) You'll do great, Kris. =)