Monday, November 7, 2011

Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House by Cheryl Mendelson

I've been having fun trying out different tips and ideas from "Home Comforts". It's a hard book to read through, but I'm so glad that I am taking the time to do so! I'm now about 2/3 of the way through. I've learned a lot about food, food safety, cleaning the kitchen/washing dishes, cloth, how to launder practically everything, stains and how to remove them, cleanliness, how to dust, vacuum, sweep, mop, clean anything, and so much more! This is a GREAT book for all homemakers!

Here are a couple ideas I've tried -

I mopped the kitchen floor on my hands and knees. The pros - the floor gets way cleaner and it's great exercise! The cons - "homemaker's knee" and it takes a bit longer than mopping with a mop. It's not something that I'll want to do every day of even every week. Just when the floors are really dirty. =)

To get rid of mineral build-up around faucets - wrap a rag soaked in vinegar around the faucet handles and let sit for about an hour. It worked moderately well, taking care of two smaller stains, but not the stubborn one. =/

I've also improved my sweeping and mopping, washing dishes, and how I handle chemicals like ammonia and bleach, changed my views about vinegar and soda, and I've got some great ideas about how to launder, what soaps and chemicals, etc.

Although the book looks daunting, being about three inches thick, it's definitely worth your time! It is a great reference book, too. Every homemaker should own one! (Thank you so much for giving it to me, Weese family!!)



Krissy said...

Good job Susi, keep reading!

MJW said...

If you ever need a house to practice all of your new found skills on, mine is available. ;)

I'm glad you like it!

Laura Earl said...

I'd be glad to, Mrs. Weese! =)

Susanna R. Langdon said...

That last comment was mine, btw. =D