Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Are You Proud of Your Country?

"In God We Trust" is on every penny, in every hand, every pocket, and every cash register. This was a nation founded on God. But are we still proud of that?

When I see the beautiful red, white, and blue waving gently in the breeze or hear the words of The Star-Spangled Banner sung, my heart beats with pride. I am proud that the U.S. is the most benevolent country in the world, helping many countries and people in need. I am proud of the policemen and soldiers protecting and promoting justice through our land. Going back, to our nations start, I think of the Sons of Liberty; men who cared enough for their freedom to die for it and who believed that God was the source of their freedom! Families and individuals who spoke out and acted about the injustice and fault in their land. Now unfortunately, people accept many things that should be spoken against.

You ask, "Am I proud of this country?" In some areas I burst with pride. But sadly, in others, I cower in shame. I am shamed because, even though this country was founded on God, this nation has chosen to turn away from their Maker. The United Sates of America has allowed 1.21 million abortions to happen in 2008 along according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, which does not include the impact of the birth control pill. Is American now a country that thinks children are such a nuisance to kill them off like flies? God designated marriage to be between one man and one woman. Why does this country allow any other? What about the Second Amendment that allows every man to take up arms? Why do people want to do away with the guns that protect our Country? God is not honored by these things, for this I am shamed to be an American.

"The God who gave us life gave us liberty..." stated Thomas Jefferson. God gave us this freedom that we now have and I am proud that I can express these things that are wrong to hopefully benefit this nation. I am also proud that I can tell others about my great God and the nation that needs to turn back to Him for wisdom - a nation that can honestly say, "In God We Trust."

by Marie McDonnell


Kris said...

I love that essay, she did such a good job on the ending!

Laura Earl said...

Good job, Marie!