Sunday, July 11, 2010

Getting Ready for Hannah's 19th Birthday Party

On Wednesday, we had an early birthday celebration - tea party and dance - for Hannah . (I'll post some pictures of the actual party soon!) We started cleaning the house late Tuesday morning since we were busy all that day.
Our deadline - Wednesday noon. We ended up calling all the guests and post-poning the party an hour, having one of our fridges stop working and trying to get all the food into the other already-packed fridge the morning of the party.

Tuesday night. 8 o'clock. I snapped this picture just as we started working. I don't think we went to bed before two a.m.

Writing the To Do list.

The long list of things to do before the party. I don't think we even finished half of them.=)

The messy kitchen.

The dining room.

Our room (Lydia's side. I think Hannah's and my sides were clean...for a while, anyway.=)

Hensie working in the kitchen.

Pitchers of snapple.

Cut out cookies.


Krissy said...

Oh fun! I should have come earlier to help you!

Hannah Criss said...

Oh, it was alright!=) You helped out talking to the girls while I was running around getting ready!


Krissy said...

hehe you silly girl!

Ich Leibe Dich!