Monday, July 19, 2010

Visit to Sarah and Stephen

Sorry to all you who have been patiently waiting for this post. I lost a bunch of pictures in the process of getting the pictures onto the computer, and uploading them onto this blog. But, oh well!
On Wednesday, everyone in our family, except Daddy, Jon, and Phil, went to Sarah and Stephen's place. Rebekah and Laura are staying there for another week, and they'll come home on Saturday.

Watching Tom and Jerry cartoons on YouTube while waiting to leave. We had planned to leave on Tuesday and spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa, but we ended up leaving on Wednesday and traveling the whole way that day.
Packing the van with all of Sarah's stuff. None of us had any foot room - we all had to sit cross-legged. Once, a plate that had found a little nook on top the pile of stuff behind my head came flying down and broke on my hip. Later on, I cut my finger on the broken glass. Well, memories to tell my future children!=)

Smile! ;-)

We needed to have the ice chest close by and easy to get to, and since the van was so tightly packed, we had to put it on top a stack of duffel bags. It kept falling down, so we "bungee-corded" it to the seat belt. It worked for the most part. =)

Lydia and Joe

Mount Hood
When we got to S&S's house, it was about eleven o'clock. We had a quick dinner, then went to bed. The next day, we slept in kinda late. We had breakfast and then Laura and I hand-mopped an extra room so we could unload the van into the house. (I had a picture, but lost it. Sorry!) We unpacked the van, and packed all the stuff into the house. Momma helped Sarah decorate, while we helped wash dishes, and go through all the stuff from the van.

Setting up Lydia's old bed for Sarah.

The view out Sarah and Stephen's front door.

Working in the kitchen.
On Friday, we helped Sarah with some weeding and planting potatoes in her garden. (I had a bunch of pictures, but lost them. =( Sorry!) Then we went shopping. The stores Sarah needed to go to were about forty minutes away. On the drive, Hannah, Matthew and I played Phase Ten. We went to several stores, then came home at about nine. We planned to leave the next day at about eleven, but we ended up leaving at two or so.

Mount Hood and wheat fields.

The Columbia River

Pine trees

Matthew with chocolate chip cookies.

Driving home

This is the best I could get of Safeco Field.
We got home at about one-thirty. Daddy was still awake and he and Matthew unpacked the car. I went outside and played with Reagan, who was very happy to see me, then inspected the garden in the dark. The sun flowers had grown so tall! And there was a red tomato, but that's for another post. =)


Krissy said...

Hope you had a good trip! Sorry to hear about your accidents. And they are good story's for your future children (grandchildren)! :-P

I accidently posted a comment on the post before this one, with Momma's gmail account. The one that says Bill and Cynthia, is really mine. Hehe!

See you someday soon! ;-) (Real soon)

Krissy Joy

Sarah said...

So glad you all came to visit me! Thank you for all your help! It was so nice not to have to do dishes while you were here!

Laura Earl said...

I like the picture of Mt. Hood and the wheat fields!