Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Learning to Cook - Day 3 - What'ch Got Soup

At 2 o'clock, Hannah and I thought we'd be a little more elaborate, and decided on spaghetti. But, although we had spaghetti sauce, noodles, and meat, we didn't have mushrooms, green peppers, or any other goodies that we usually stuff our sauce with. (oops... ended a sentence with a preposition.=) Then we thought we'd make creamy lentil soup, but we didn't have any lentils. Finally, we decided on chicken soup. We froze the chicken broth from the day before, so started to defrost that on the stove. We looked through the pantry, fridges, and freezers. We didn't have any potatoes or carrots, but we had some left over cooked rice from the Injun Pie.

What'cha got soup made with chicken broth, beef, corn, garbanzo beans, rice, green beans, chicken seasoning, salt, and pepper.
I made lemon muffins, with our favorite recipe, to go with the meal.


Krissy said...

Oooh Yummy! Gotta try those lemon muffins sometime too.

Hannah Criss said...

Yes! We should make them together! That would be a fun Van Cirss adventure!=)


Jon Criss said...

I've been missing out on all this good cooking!