Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Poor "Machoo"

While Hansie and I were having piano lessons yesterday, Matthew cut his foot on a sharp tin can lid in the laundry room. The blood began to pour out of it, and he hurried to the bathroom the take care of it. Joe found a trail of blood from the laundry room to the front bathroom, and told Momma and Daddy. Momma found him trying to take care of his cut himself. There was a lot of blood on the floor. She had him remove the bandaids he had put on it, so she could have a look. She had him wash his foot since he had been walking all over the backyard barefoot, blood continued to gush out. After quickly drying, they put pressure on it. Daddy carried him to the couch and that's where he was read to, had dinner,watched a couple movies, slept, and waited. The bleeding was controlled as long as he kept still and kept his foot elevated. The few times he was carried to the restroom, it started the process all over again. Matthew's cut was hard on Momma, (but especially since Daddy had to leave after dinner for work for the next couple of days). Daddy had made the decision to not get stitches,but as time went on we wondered if Matthew should have had them. Momma remembered when she had cut her hand,and she had gone to get stitches they gave her the option of either stitches or super glue. We also remembered that Mrs. Van Cleve has used super glue with several of her children, so Momma called her for more details. Then we did a Google search "using super glue on cuts". We found that it had been designed for the military to use on their wounds out on the battle field! Around eleven P.M., after another trip to the restroom and more bleeding, Momma decided to use the it. It seemed to help. Around 12:00 A.M. Momma prayed with him again and snuggled him in on the couch to sleep. Momma relaxed in the recliner next to him reading, keeping a close eye on him until 4:00 A.M, (she hadn't planned on being up that late, even though she was very concerned, but was enjoying her book and couldn't see the clock and time got away from her). After waking this morning, Matthew carefully walked on his heel to his room, and the bleeding began again! Momma told him he'd have to be on the couch today. So I plan to read to him a lot and try to make him comfortable.