Monday, August 2, 2010

Amy Ellen and J.R.'s Wedding

A couple weeks ago, our family, minus the older guys, went to Montesano for Amy Ellen Bradrick and J.R. Haas's wedding.

Again, I tried to get a picture of Safeco field.

Snapping pictures on the drive.

Best man and groom.

The groomsmen

Bell ringers

The bridesmaids.

Giving of the Bride

Amy Ellen and J.R.

Danny Craig singing "Before the Throne of God."

The wedding party singing "The Lord Bless You and Keep You."

The First Kiss (I think I missed the kiss and this is the hug. Oh well.=)

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery John Haas, Jr.

1 comment:

Krissy said...

IT was a grand weddin'!