Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Johnstown Flood

Hannah and I have so many books on our reading list, but just not enough time to read them all. So, we decided to get some books on CD and put on hold The Johnstown Flood by David McCullough. We listened to it as we worked in the kitchen and finished it within a week.
At the beginning of the book, David McCullough talks about the town of Johnstown - where it got it's name, it's people, region, etc. Then he tells about the building of the dam that busted - how and when it was constructed, who owned it, and about the mismanagement that led to it's bursting. He gives the testimonies of some of the survivors - all had very dramatic stories to tell! Many people, clinging to roofs, boards, beds - anything that floated-, were swept along the flooded streets. One spot along the flood, a bunch of debris, dead and alive animals and people clogged the water. As it was getting dark, the pile caught on fire. People watching from dry ground said they heard terrified screams coming from the pile, but no one could help. After the flood, people all across America and even other countries sent millions of dollars, food, and supplies. Over two thousand people died - many of them unidentified by the time they were found. At the end of the book, the CD played "Abide with Me", which was very fitting.
David McCullough isn't a Christian historian, so he does mention a few weird things that we skipped. Overall, it was a VERY dramatic book!

1 comment:

Krissy said...

Dramatic. See you Sunday night!!!