Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Welcome Home, Murphys!

Best friends, Lydia and Ruthie

Krissy and the Murphy's golden retriever, Sammy

Rebekah, Krista, and Hannah posing with Sammy for a picture

Our welcome home sign for the Murphys. We made it out of Sarah's isle runner from the wedding and the window markers the guys used to decorate Sarah and Stephen's car.

Good friends catching up

Matthew, Joe, and Teddy

Hannah and Rebekah gave Krista and me a tour of their grandparents' barn.


Pulling weeds

Picking black berries


Looking up at the huge loft in the barn.


Matthew, Joe, Teddy, and Joseph Murphy playing capture the flag.

Ruthie with her black berries

The young photographer

Krissy and Hannah


Teddy having fun with Sammy Imagine riding a horse over that field...=)

Not-so-black berries

More black berries


Emily said...

What a beautiful old farm!
How fun!
~Emily :)

Krissy said...

It is so fun having them back!

Krissy said...

And yes I could imagine riding over that field!=P You have the same imagination as me, or what???!!!=)

~Krissy J.

PS. Why do I always have to post 2 comments?