Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The New-ies

I considered titling this post "The News" but that wouldn't work. I'd have you all thinking that I was going to announce something big (like perhaps the reason for my absence from the internet world. The reason? Well, um, busy-ness. Guests. Nieces. Reading. Dishes. Aerobics. House-cleaning. Going through our crocheting stuff, sewing stuff, and hope chests. Baking bread and cookies. CH Chorlae music. Life.).  
Anyway, on with the post. Daddy bought a new family computer since the old one was getting on in years and was slowing down with all the stuff we had on it. Once he unloaded all the stuff, he gave it to me for writing. It fits great(ly? didn't want to say perfectly) on the desk, though it kicks the mirror out of business. (No need to worry, though. We've got three other mirrors in our room and two more in the next, and still another in the next room, so we can still see ourselves. =P)

When we were up in Lynden, Hannah McD. and Krista gave me this quilt for a late Christmas gift! I love it!! (Thank you bunches, girls!! Did I tell you that green is my new favorite color? =) I think it goes nicely with the dark-wood bed. (Notice that adorable little dog by the pillow - his name is Lavey-Rob. Stop laughing. He's stuffed with fluff and lavender - Lavey - and Matthew said he looked like Rob.) 

Krissy also gave me this plaque. I love it, Kris!! =)

When Grandma and Grandpa were here last week, they brought Aunt Diane's old hope chest for one of us girls. Hensie was the next in line, so she got it! =)

Filled with her favorite books! =)

1 comment:

Kris said...

That hope chest looks kinda like mine with that cushion on the lid! Hopefully I can move it into my room someday soon.

I'm glad (Han is too) that you are enjoying the quilt. Gracie has one of those lavender animals; her's is a monkey. :-P (A good idea for kids toys, cuz they always get smelly from no washing.)

Nice new computer - it will be awesome for writing!

Only 2 weeks until the Conference! Can't wait to see you guys!
