Thursday, September 17, 2009

Starting School

Our family will be officially starting school on Monday. I'm going to be doing math, English, some science, penmanship, writing my story (which is English, writing, reading, spelling, grammar, typing, computer science, history, geography, and social studies =), music (piano, recorder, tin whistle, and violin!), reading, writing, gardening, helping with teaching the younger children (I guess that counts as school =) training Reagan, and I'm going to do a lot more cooking this year. So, although it's not too much "book learning"=), I'm going to be busy!


Bryan said...

Sounds busy and fun. I look forward to hearing what subject is your favorite.


Hannah Criss said...

Thanks for the comment, Mrs. Weese!

Both Hansie's and my favorite subject is History. My second being writing.
