Thursday, August 12, 2010

Why Do I Read More Than One Book?

Today, I was wondering why I don't stick to one book and finish it like so many other people. Instead, I read four or five books. But I came up with an answer! I have three books for when I'm in my room to read, depending on what mood - Robinson Crusoe, Beric the Britain by G.A. Henty, and Everything I want to Do is Illegal by Joel Salatin. When we girls watch movies in Laura and Rebekah's room, we have so many breaks , so I picked up The Great Escape off Laura's bookshelf and started reading that. Then, when I'm downstairs and have a spare moment, I have one of the Daughters of the Faith books on the downstairs bookshelf to read. Henceforth, I save time running up and down the stairs, looking for the one book I'm reading.

What books are you reading?

1 comment:

Krissy said...

Goodness, your a busy reader. I read five books because of school books and I read some spare ones. It can be kinda nice to have an extra book when your done with another! ;-)