Thursday, September 2, 2010

Children, Sidewalk Chalk and Bubbles

Rebekah and Daniel

After drawing a town and lot of people, the girls had a "grass storm".=)

Ruthie, Lydia, Rebekah, and Hannah


Increasing the population a little bit.=)

The "damage" of the storm.

Picking more "storm power". (Whatever that means...=)

"Look, Zanna, I have chalky hands!"

Ruth Susan

"Dramatic" photography

"Hello, my name is Daniel"

Rebekah Ann

"Daniel Murphy blows bubbles best."

"Take a picture of me blowing bubbles!"

Lydia and Hannah


Krissy said...

They are so fun! Looks like a nice town. What was the population?

Hannah Criss said...

I didn't count...=)


Linda said...

Looks like you all had a great time! I don't really like sidewalk chalk, so I'm glad it was at your house! :) Thank you for being such good friends to my little ones. >> hug <<

Hannah Criss said...

Thank you for letting us watch them!
