Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Comforter

When I am weak and tired to the bone
I can turn to Jesus, my comforter, my stone!
While I am nothing, He is always strong.
To Him I can turn when my fight is long.
Every ounce of strength we humans posses
Is nothing compared to his awesome greatness.

When I am weak and think I can give no more,
My vessel is tossed by the waves, but He is the shore.
When all of life forsakes me, He is ever there.
He is always ready to listen to the troubles I bear.
When the giants are huge and I begin to fear,
I must never forget that He is ever near.

So often in our busy lives we forget to say
To the caring One Who chose our every way,
"Thank you, dear Jesus, for the trials you send."
Each struggle will make us more beautiful in the end.
Jesus, as You gave You precious life, Your all, for me,
Your Strong warrior and faithful servant I will ever be.

~Susanna R. Criss


Sarah said...

Very good Ruby! :-)

Krissy said...

God has really gifted you with poem writing, Susi! I am very encouraged by this one.

It's time for me to snatch it! ;-)

Ever Your Friend, 723, X,
Krissy Joy