Friday, October 8, 2010

Time with the Muphy Children

This past week, when the Murphy children came over, I was still at piano lessons. As we drove up, Thomas and Ruthie waited excitedly on the curb. As soon as I opened the door, I heard "Hello Susanna!" "Zana, can you play chalk with me?" "Zana, look at my chalky hands!" After inspecting their creative art, I went inside, ate a quick lunch, then we got the strollers out and took the children on a walk. When we got back, we played "musical chairs". I sent Lydia and Ruthie upstairs to pick out some music and they came down with their favorite fiddle CD. Thomas and Daniel are my little helpers with turning on and off the music. After that, we washed our hands, pulled on aprons, and got everything ready to made peanut butter balls. I let each child dump in the butter, powdered sugar, vanilla, and peanut butter, and they all had fun mixing it with their hands! After rolling them into balls, we made chocolate frosting and coated the balls. While waiting for them to freeze, Lydia and Ruthie headed upstairs, Thomas and Joseph played with Matthew and Joe, and Hannah M, Rebekah M, and I played "Skip Bo". Then after trying our peanut butter balls, we headed upstairs to do some scrap booking. I let each girl do a page, with one rule - they had to sign their name. Then, I had them all, except Joseph, who was downstairs playing with the boys, color a picture, sign their name, or write something in my journal. Even Peter did it! Then, we came downstairs, had dinner of salmon, potatoes, and bread, then played "Sardines" for a little bit before Mr. and Mrs. Murphy came back. While they talked to Daddy, Momma, Sarah and Stephen (who are here for the week!), we got the children's shoes on and Hannah combed our bookshelves for books. (She is an amazingly fast reader!) Then, we placked them into their 12 passenger van and waved as they drove away.

I had a great time with all you children and I hope to have just as good a time when I see you sometime next week!

1 comment:

Krissy said...

I love spending time with the Murphy children! They are VERY sweet!