Sunday, February 26, 2012


It started out like a normal, rushed Sunday morning. We got in the van on time, most of us had had breakfast, and got to church a couple minutes early.

Then Pastor Keeney came up and asked, "Are you ready to serve the Lord today, Susanna?" Gulp. I'm thinking sing a solo, give my testimony, go to the missions field...yikes! Then, he looked over at the vacant piano. The three pianist weren't there this morning. So, I agreed. I knew two of the hymns, but didn't know the other two. And I didn't know any of the choruses (one of them didn't have any left hand notes - just the chords.) The first couple hymns were okay. Then the projector didn't work, so I didn't have to play the choruses (Praise the Lord! =P) The other hymns were okay - by the end of the forth verse, I was able to play them without making an mistakes. Afterwards, everyone came by, complimenting and thanking me for playing.

When we got back, we had lunch, then played volley ball for two hours.

In the evening, there was a bluegrass gospel concert in Kent (about 27 miles from us). Pastor picked us up in the church bus, which was a lot of fun. We were his first stop - I think we picked up around 7 other people before reaching the church in Kent.

The concert was GREAT - their style is very similar to my favorite bluegrass group - Bluegrass Brethren. Afterwards, they served cookies and punch, then we loaded back into the bus and headed back home.

We got back a few minutes ago. Popcorn was just popped for a late dinner. After eating, we'll head upstairs for a Gomer Pyle episode.

How did your Sunday go?


Sarah said...

You should have told us about the concert, and we may have gone too! I got sick right before we left for church so we ended up staying home and not visiting a church in the Dalles.

Hannah Criss said...

I didn't think of it 'till we were on the bus and passing through Moro. That would have been fun having you guys along! I think the Mud Creek Gospel Band comes here often, though. (They have a concert in Wasco on March 10, the weekend we'll be in Lynden.=/)

Kris said...

Wow, just like old times, Susi! :-) Good thing you didn't have to play the choruses. :-D