Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Hope Chest

In the corner of my room,
At the foot of my bed,
Sits a cedar wood box,
Where I keep books that I’ve read.

But not just books in that box,
But also towels and trays
Air looms, plates, and toys;
For my dear children some day.

But the items in this box
Are not just things, no.
They’re a legacy, an air loom
A gift to my children you know.

But this gift is nothing small.
It’s a lifetime of suffering,
Sacrifice, and love,
To my dear children, yes them all!

To my future husband, if God wills,
I’ll give this special crate.
Yet I’ll fill my chest with hopes and dreams
Till the coming of my mate.
By Susanna R. Criss

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