Sunday, January 17, 2010

I played the piano for the first time in church today! Laura was planning on playing, but was feeling sick. Hannah, her usual backup, wasn't feeling well, either. While we were running out the door, daddy asked me to play. I have a grand total of about six or seven songs that I can play well enough for church, so we sang those. It went pretty well, but the only problem was, I like to play songs fast, and everyone sang them very slow. I especially had trouble with the last song, Open Wide Ye Everlasting Doors. When I hit one wrong note, it leads to another and another. When we got home, Laura declared me to be "a regular pianist", and I couldn't back out even if I wanted to.=)


Krissy said...

You did grand Susi! I would have done worse.


Laura Earl said...

I'm glad we'll have three pianists again!

Jon Criss said...

You did great Susanna! :)