Saturday, April 3, 2010

We're Farmers!

Our garden

The garlic's growing tall!
I'm not sure what this is...maybe an onion? Whatever it is, it's growing out of the same raised bed that the garlic is growing out of.

I think these are chives...tell me if I'm wrong, Krissy.=)

Parsley (Notice Peter Rabbit coming to eat the parsley)

Our decomposed compost bin. We started composting last summer and it cut our garbage bill in half! We compost everything we eat and everything we eat off that's not reusable.=) And they don't smell too bad, either! (Notice the spinach plant growing out the side!)

Inside our other bin. We layer the table scraps with straw so it will decompose quicker.

And of course, every farm has a dog.

And chickens! (This chick, unfortunately, is not one of our barred rock chicks, but I haven't any good pictures of ours.)


Bryan said...

I really like that Farm Dog!


Krissy said...

Yes, that is chives...guess what, our chickens ate almost half of our chives! Right out of the pot!