Thursday, June 23, 2011

Only Six Posts this June?

Here it is the twenty-third of this month and I've only posted six times, two of which were today? That's bad, bad, bad! =P
I missed June sixth, so I have to post of a picture of that.

The invasion of Normandy, June 6th, 1944.

I also missed the first day of summer. And so, here's a picture! =)

And, I guess I owe all you faithful blog readers a little something of what we've been doing here!

A couple days ago, we organized the basement. Now is spanking clean and shining. (not really.=) The next day, we cleaned the first floor. Boxes were unpacked, the few still-packed decorations hung or set out, junk piles dispersed, all flours swept and mopped, or vacuumed. Then, today, we were supposed to finish the upstairs, but I don't think that's going to happen. =)

The weather here has been great! Lots of sun and tons of wind! It's only rained twice here, and that was just in the morning or just for a few minutes. Lydia has been spending a lot of time outside and now has a nice tan. (she doesn't burn, no fair! =)

It's cute - Lydia and Joe have two restaurants outside. Joe has "McDonald's" and Lydia, "Burger King". They also have a gas station for the bikes and I think a fire department, and bank.

In my spare time and in the early morning, I've been doing a lot of reading. Since moving here, I've finished "Stories from English History", an old book, printed in 1901; "Laura", a book about Laura Ingalls Wilder; "What Would Jesus Do?"; "Marshal", about General George Marshal - WWI and WWII veteran, secretary of state and a lot more =); and now I'm reading "Home Comforts" (thank you so much Weese family! I'm really enjoying it!) and "Bulletproof".

I need to go help Hannah wash windows. I'd love to hear what you all are up to up there in Lynden!


Emily said...

Fun Susi!
What I've been up to:
1. Tennis lessons, starting tomorrow.
2. Waiting for auntie to have her baby.(I get to be there!!!)
3. Shopping, cooking, cleaning, organizing.
4. Highlighting my hair- on Saturday
5.Playing Badminton
6. missing the Criss family!

Hannah Criss said...

Highlighting your hair?! Oh, post pictures! =)


Kris said...

You should post a picture of Lydia's tan, and their restaurants. =D

Working in the garden.
Waiting for you girls to come.
Normal life.
Had family over last Sunday.
Hoping to go to our cousins house sometime.
Adam's b-day coming up this Sunday.
Got a new Hopechest!!
Waiting for Dad's Father's day present to arrive in the mail!

Wish you all were here! <3


Katlin Nicole said...

I love the WWII picture!
I've been...

Making Mozzarella and ricotta Cheese
Finishing Tevye's Daughters (book)
" Shadow of Death (WWII book)
knitting a washcloth
Taking driving lessons
Working on a friends remodel project
Shopping at Costco (They moved everything around. Just to confuse me I'me sure)
Driving down Main and wondering which house is yours.

Hannah Criss said...

Kate, our house is the blue house (with no grass at the moment. =) across the street from 8th Street. The address is 825 main Street. =)

We're going to be going back there on Monday staying a little over a week! Come and visit us!! =)
