Friday, August 19, 2011

Orange Shakes

The other day, we had an abundance of ice and oranges, so we pulled out the VitaMix and made shakes! In the VitaMix cookbook, there is a recipe for orange sorbet - 

2 oranges
2 Tbs. sweetener
4 cups ice 

I added to my shakes- 1 Tbs. vanilla, 1/2 cup milk, and a bit more sweetener, and it tasted great! 

Another one of our favorite orange smoothie recipe is Orange Julia's -

12 cubes ice
6 oz can orange juice
1 c. water
1/2 c. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla

Mix together in blender - super good!!   

Shakes are our favorite summer treat!


Krissy said...

Sounds tasty!

MJW said...

Orange Shakes, Smorange Shakes!

They sound great, but we want more posts.