Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I don't know about you, but I am very fond of riddles and jokes and brainteasers (as long as they are moderately funny and not dirty). Here are a couple of my favorite -

Q - What is it that goes on all fours, then on twos, and finally on threes?
A - Man - he goes on all fours as an infant, on two legs as an adult, and on three when he walks with the aid of a cane.

Q - You are the pilot of an airplane that travels from New York to Chicago - a distance of 800 miles. The plane goes 200 miles an hour, and it makes one stop for 30 minutes. What is the pilot's name?
A - Whatever you name is.

Q - Can you arrange for Jane to stand behind Lee and Lee to stand behind Jane at the same time?
A - yes, back to back

Q- Is it legal for a man to marry his widow's sister?
A - Legality has nothing to do with it. Only dead men have widows.

Q - A man and his two sons must cross a stream. The man weighs 200 pounds and his sons each weigh 100 pounds. There is a boat that can carry only 200 pounds. How will thy cross?
A - The two sons will go first; one son comes back and dad rows over by himself; the other son returns to pick up his brother.

Q - A child playing on the beach had 6 1/6 sand piles in one place and 3 1/3 in another. If he put them all together, how many sand piles will he have?
A - One

Q - In the Hope family, there are seven sisters, and each sister has one brother. Including Mr. and Mrs. Hope, how many are in the family?
A - Ten - both parents, the seven daughters and just one brother.

Q - If the Vice President of the United States should die, who would be President?
A - The President.

Q- How many times can you subtract 2 from 21?
A - Once. From then on, you'd be subtracting from 19, 17, and so on.

Q- When you take two apples from three apples, how many do you have?
A - You have two apples.

What are some of your favorite riddles?


Dean and Debbie Criss said...

One of my favorites is:
"The little bitty Indian is the son of the great big Indian, but the great big Indian is not the father of the little bitty Indian. How can this be?"

Krissy said...

Nothing off the top of my head.

I like your first riddle best! <3

Hannah Criss said...

Oh, I was going to add that one, Daddy! =)

Kris, Phil told me that one, and my answer was almost right - "A human - starts out crawling, then walked, then grows a tail and it drags on the ground." =) Just brainstorming, I guess. =)


Emily said...

So Mr. Criss, what's the answer?? :)

Here's one, though it's not that great.

"An electric train is going west, and the wind is blowing east. Which way is the smoke blowing?"

A. It's an electric train, no smoke!

And another:

"What gets wetter, the more it dries?"

A. A sponge

Hannah Criss said...

Em, the answer is - the great big Indian is the mother. =D
