Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Black Trap

There is a black box that sits innocently on a desk in Momma and Daddy's room. When I pass by, this trap waves its bait. "There are unopened emails in your inbox!" I sniff at the bait. It smells good. I stick my hand in the trap. I type the pass word, open Google Chrome, open my email and type my email and password. "I'll just check my email. I won't reply to any emails, I won't check Buzz, I'll check read the emails, then get off." I think. My email opens up and there are four deliciously bold, white emails. I click on the first. "Ah, a survey! I love surveys!" I read through it and several more like it since several of my friends have filled it out. Then, I fill it out. Next, Krista wrote me a long email, so I write an equally long one back. And I read the other emails and reply to them. And I check Buzz, then all the blogs, and post on my own. And, by that time, it's been two hours!!! It's then that I jump off and vow never to spend that much time stuck in that trap again! But, it happens the next day, and the next.

In fact it's happening to me RIGHT NOW!!! I NEED TO GET OFF THIS TRAP!


Krissy said...

LOL! IT happens a lot. Computers are such horrible magnet boxes, that suck you right in and the time flies away without you knowing!

Laura Earl said...


Tori Short said...

It happens to me too. :(

Laura Earl said...

Yes?? I didn't post that!

I am just now looking at this post for the first time, and my comment is:

Lol! I totally agree! Problem is, I have CH work and HAVE to be on, and then I check blogs/emails in between CH work to clear my mind. So I have a whole afternoon of mindless...


I am getting off right now.

Sarah said...

Great post Susi! So true too! :-) It happens to me often, that I get caught in this trap!

Emily said...

I love your creative post here Laura! Way to put Mrs. J's creative writing skills to work! I mean, that is why we took the class right? Please confirm that there was a method to my madness....

Emily said...

Sorry, I meant SUSANNA!!! Not Laura.
Looong day. Must drink more coffee. (that'll help.) sigh.