Thursday, December 1, 2011

The First Day of December!

 December is our busiest month! 
"Pearl Harbor Day" - December 7th. Time to blow the dust of "Tora Tora Tora"! 

Rebekah's 19th birthday - December 15th; Daddy's birthday - December 17th; and my 17th  birthday - December 21st (that sounds old! =P.) 
Christmas with the extended Criss family December 17th, Christmas with the extended Scoville family Decemeber 24th, and then our first Christmas in Wasco with (hopefully!) Jon, Kelsie, Betty, Phil, Stephen, Sarah, and Gracie! 
 New Year! 


Kris said...

So many special family days!

Sarah said...

Fun busy month full of wonderful things to celebrate! :-)

Laura Earl said...

Fun times!!