Monday, January 10, 2011

Fun Survey

1- Eye Color? Blue
2- Hair Color? Ash Blond
3- Height? 5'4" (I think...=)
4- Right or left handed? Right
5- What month were you born? December
6- Your favorite book? Stepping Heavenward
7- Favorite movie? That's really hard! I like a lot of WWII drama, and Ben-Hur
8- Do you do any crafts? Besides occasional scrap booking, no
9- What is your favorite kind of music? I like bluegrass, fiddle, and hymns
10- Your most over used phrase? hmmm....For Pete's sake, good grief, I think my family could answer this better than me!
11- Thoughts first waking up? "Is it really time to get up?"
12- Your bedtime? Hehe, oh dear...=) Ummm...anywhere from ten to three.=)
13- What food do you dislike? Sour cream, mayonnaise, peas
14- Ice cream or yogurt? Ice cream of course!!
15- Pizza or Chinese? Pizza!
16- Favorite flavor of ice cream? Cookies and Cream
17- Chocolate or Vanilla? Depends on my mood and how chocolaty the chocolate is.=) Right now, I'd want vanilla.
18- Beach or Lake? Lake
19- Do you sing? I like to sing, but not always on tune.=)
20- Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yep! I have four brothers, five sisters, a brother-in-law, and a sister-in-law!
21- Do you like thunderstorms? Yes!
22- Do you play an instrument? Piano, a little violin, tin whistle, and recorder
23- Do you like to clean? Once I get started, I enjoy it.
24- Do you like to cook? To a degree =)
25- Broken a bone? Nope!
26- Wal-Mart or Target? We usually go to Wal Mart
27- What were the last three books you've read? Well, I'm reading Anne of Green Gables and Ben-Hur, the others were Little Lord Fautleroy, Cheaper by the Dozen, and The Mayflower Adventure.
28- What were the last three movies you've seen? I'm watching an Andy Griffith movie, but last night I saw a couple Daniel Boone episodes, and the night before, I saw Air-force.
What do you do in your spare time? Read, write, email, post, watch a movie, talk with my sisters
30- How do you want to die? A painless death of old age in my bed, or, being persecuted for my faith

-Susanna R. Criss