Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dear Blog Readers

(I guess I'm in a journaling mood. =P) We are back in Lynden for ten days to clean, paint, and basically fix up the house and yard. I'm sorry I haven't really been updating the blog often - I've been doing all my updates on Buzz.

Our trip up here was pretty uneventful - lots of driving, reading, talking, and playing the "yes and no" game. We stopped at Grandma and Grandpa's for a couple hours, then arrived here late last night. Jon and Kelsie were so sweet to set up a king size bed in the living room with lots of pillows and blankets, which Laura, Hannah, and I claimed. =) We slept in late, then swept and mopped the floors, unpacked out bags, then Momma, Laura, Bekah, and Lydia left for Bellingham to pick up paint and other basic supplies.

As Emily said, when the cat goes away, the mice all play.=P I suppose that will explain our chocolate cake for dinner. =P (We were told we could make chocolate dreams, but we had no milk, so we googled recipes without milk, eggs, or butter. It actually tasted good. =)

Since then, we've been watching Andy Griffith episodes as Momma and the girls are still away.

Tomorrow, I believe is the first of many painting days. I'll try to take pictures to post! =)



Kris said...

Glad you girls finally decided to come after all! <3

I hope you can still come to M&M. ;-)


bentogirl said...

I'm happy you didn't change your mind about coming! :)

I'm very very sad that we couldn't come to M&M!! :'(

Hannah Criss said...

Well, you didn't miss anything I didn't miss, Lexi. =) I didn't get to go to M&M's either.

I can't wait to see you sometime!!
