Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How We Celebrated the Fist Day of Summer!

A water fight championship! =)

Matthew vs. Susi

Each was armed with a hose. No rules (except, no swinging the hose!). We each delegated a cheerleader - Matthew had Joe and I had Lydia. We fought for about an hour before I tripped on the hose and smacked my head on the hard ground. Matthew was the victor.

The casualties - One pair of Susi's pink flip flops bit the dust - one red earring missing - ten dollars soaked and unusable (it was fake money.=P)


Sarah said...

Fun Ruby! It was hot today and thus the perfect day for a water tight!

I enjoyed seeing you all today! :-)

Kris said...

Love the line "bit the dust" at the end of your post! Can't wait to see you girls!


bentogirl said...

Sounds like you had a LOT of fun! =P