Saturday, June 26, 2010

Kirsten Story Collection

Lydia and I have been reading the American Girl book, Kristen Larson's Story Collection. It's about a Swedish girl who, with her family immigrate to America in 1854. It was originally written in 6 books - Meet Kirsten, Kirsten Learns a Lesson, Kirsten's Surprise, Happy Birthday, Kirsten!, Kirsten Saves the Day, and Changes For Kirsten. These books are perfect for Lydia, not being too scary, but with enough excitement to keep her mind from wandering.

In Meet Kirsten, Kirsten and her make make the difficult journey from Sweden to begin a new life on the Minnesota frontier.

Book 2, Kirsten Learns a Lesson (picture)
Kirsten must learn English at school. She learns an important lesson from her secret Indian friend, too.

In Kirsten's Surprise,
Kirsten and her Papa travel to town to get their trunk from Sweden. Their errand turns into a terrifying trip.

Happy Birthday, Kirsten!
After taking care of Mama and the new baby, Kirsten gets a birthday surprise during the Larsons' barn raising.

Book 5, Kirsten Saves The Day Kirsten and Peter find honey in the woods, but their discovery leads to a dangerous adventure.

In Changes For Kirsten a raccoon causes a disaster for the Larsons, but Kirsten and Lars find a treasure that means better times.

A picture from Kirsten's Surprise

1 comment:

Linda said...

It sounds like you and Lydia are having a special time.