Friday, January 13, 2012

Day at Sar's

This afternoon (after I had finished my reading and school. So glad I got that all done in the morning!), Mum and I went to Sarah's house to help her go through, organize, fold, box and bag baby clothes. We were there about five hours. I washed dishes, helped with the clothes and played with/watched Gracie (that child is getting around! She can now stand on her own...soon she'll be walking!). Going through those baby clothes, I was amazed at how much Gracie has grown...I mean, she was just wearing those three-month clothes...and now she's actually going into 18-month clothes?? We also went through some of Sar's boy baby clothes...they are so cute!! I simply can't wait for the newest Hainline!

1 comment:

Kris said...

WE are very excited for Sarah's new little one! It's nice that you are close to her, to help out with all those things.