Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Next Book on my Reading List - Ike the Soldior: As They Knew Him

When I pulled this book off the bookshelf, I was so shocked (and horrified) at the size, but was a little comforted to find that although the ruler says two and a half inches thick, there is about a quarter inch of stuff that I won't read at the end (appendixes, and lists on names, numbers, and dates that are only understandable to the author.) And, the pages are deceitfully thick and the font is large (not LARGE, but bigger than normal. =) Even so, I wonder how long it'll take me to chew through this book (and I wonder if it'll be so dry I could crumble it in my fingers.)

Thankfully, this isn't my only diet of books - I do have dessert for a little washing out the bad taste in my mouth after each chapter - Louis L'Amour books, "Treasures  of the Snow", and "Jenny's War" (Which I just started reading with Lydia the other night.)


Hannah Criss said...

Why does it highlight like that?? I didn't copy it...annoying little details of blogger. =)

Kris said...

I'm sure you'll get through it fast, you're a reading machine after all. ;-)

Yes, I know what you mean about the white highlights, Susi. =/